My attack plan… This bad boy has been brainstormed and doodled on a lot in the last few weeks. I made a big financial goal for myself, my blog, design work, and Classes Kara Made a few weeks ago and I have been making tangible plans to actually make it happen. One part of it is submitting my work to blogs and publications around the Internet, so finishing this item on my 40 before 20 list came at an opportune time. I’ve always been sort of a “let it happen” personality and intentionally pitching and reaching out to others is a bit of a challenge for me. But armed with Miss Modish’s Tip-Top Pitch Kit, I reached out to 20+ blogs and publications. Who knows if anything will come from them, but it got me thinking about how I explain myself/work/classes and how I want to present myself online. I don’t have specific ideas (yet!), but it got me thinking…
P.S. Guess who’s 20th birthday is tomorrow and who has seven items to blog about still? This girl. Expect a lot of blog spam tomorrow!
Happy {early} birthday. I’m impressed with your self-confidence and go-get-em attitude about this. I wish I’d had the same motivation at 19 :)